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Holding the Forum of the Alliance of Native Associations (AdB)
Holding the Forum of the Alliance of Native Associations (AdB)

În perioada 09-10 decembrie 2022 se desfășoară Forumul Alianței Asociațiilor de Băștinași (AdB), organizat în cadrul Proiectului PNUD „Migrație și dezvoltare locală”.

Prezentă la deschiderea oficială a Forumului, Diana Cucoș, consultant principal al Biroului relații cu diaspora a menționat că, de-a lungul anilor AdB a avut un aport substanțial la dezvoltarea localității de baștină, făcând referință la programul Diaspora Acasă Reușește „DAR 1+3” prin intermediul căruia au fost implementate diverse proiecte de dezvoltare locală, în cca 80 de localități din Republica Moldova. Totodată, Diana Cucoș a afirmat că rezultatele frumoase se datorează, inclusiv, Asociațiilor de băștinași, care au reușit să convingă atât locuitorii cât și diaspora să se implice în proiectele de dezvoltare a localității, îndemnându-i să se consolideze în continuare pentru a lua decizii înțelepte în acest sens.    

Pe durata evenimentului vor fi prezentate istoriile de succes ale Asociațiilor de băștinași Pelinia, Budești și Slobozia Mare, care au realizat proiecte economice, de promovare a tradițiilor și meșteșugurilor locale prin antreprenoriat social, campanii sociale etc. De asemenea, va avea loc prezentarea și analiza Strategie Alianței Asociațiilor de Băștinași, urmată de un atelier de lucru bazat pe Strategie.

Alianța Asociațiilor de Băștinași a fost constituită în luna septembrie a anului curent, cu sprijinul proiectului PNUD „Migrație și dezvoltare locală”, finanțat de Guvernul Elveției. În componența sa intră 160 de Asociații de băștinași înregistrate și grupuri de inițiativă, care au fost create și dezvoltate începând cu anul 2015.

An important day for our country. The dossier of the traditional blouse with embroidery on the shoulder (altiţă) has been accepted at UNESCO.
An important day for our country. The dossier of the traditional blouse with embroidery on the shoulder (altiţă) has been accepted at UNESCO.

On December 1, during the 17th session of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage held in Rabat, Morocco, the decision was adopted regarding the inscription of the element „The art of the traditional blouse with embroidery on the shoulder (altiţă) - an element of cultural identity in Romania and the Republic of Moldova” on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

During the meeting, preceded by a sustained campaign, based on the recommendations of the Evaluation Body, the representatives of the two countries presented information regarding the element's contribution to the visibility and significance of the national and universal intangible cultural heritage, the connection with other elements of heritage, the dialogue between communities, researchers and NGOs, as well as safeguards implemented jointly by both states with the involvement of communities, carriers and civil society.

Details on the page of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Moldova.

The team of the Diaspora Relations Bureau expresses its gratitude to the working group from the Republic of Moldova and Romania, which was involved in the development of this important file for our history. The value of the folk costume is undeniable, the traditional blouse being element of cultural identity that creates the connection with our ancestral race and value us as a nation. We are proud of the members of the Moldovan diaspora for promoting traditional blouse into international events.

Members of the Belgian diaspora gathered to celebrate three years since the founding of the „Șezătoare Bruxelles”  group
Members of the Belgian diaspora gathered to celebrate three years since the founding of the „Șezătoare Bruxelles” group

The group „Șezătoare Bruxelles” recently marked three years of activity through a soulful event, which included an impressive exhibition of IA, organized in the premises of the Embassy of the Republic of Moldova in Belgium and Luxembourg.

The event brought together members of the diaspora, officials, interested public. The participants had the opportunity to admire several IA, made by the members of the group and to participate in a creative workshop, to learn the basic techniques of embroidery. Our creative and tireless compatriots have been dedicated to IA sewing and embroidery for several years, promoting IA both in the Kingdom of Belgium and in several national and international events.

"It turned out more beautiful than we expected, and the appreciations of those present give us more motivation and ambition to plan other beautiful projects", said the representatives of the „Șezătoare Bruxelles” group. At the same time, the organizers urged the interested people to join the group, learn the IA craft, sew and embroider together IA to carry forward the history of our nation.

The team of the Diaspora Relations Bureau expresses its gratitude for the effort with which our fellow citizens from Belgium are involved in the promotion of IA - an identity element, a component of the national port, which defines us as a people and for the substantial contribution brought to the creation of the image of the Republic of Moldova abroad.

A new training course for teachers from the Educational Centers of the Diaspora has ended
A new training course for teachers from the Educational Centers of the Diaspora has ended

On November 25 this year, the review conference of the Continuous Training Program for teachers from the Educational Centers of the Diaspora took place, held online, between October and November.

This year, the interest from the diaspora increased and more than 40 people participated in the training, who are members of the initiative groups and the Educational Centers in the diaspora, Romanian language teachers from countries such as Germany, Russia, Ireland, Great Britain, Canada, Austria.

In the opening message, Nadejda Zubco, head of the Relations Bureau, expressed her gratitude for the interest in participating in the training, mentioning everyone's voluntary involvement in promoting linguistic and cultural identity outside the country. At the same time, the head of BRD referred to the Diaspora Engagement Hub Program and urged the participants to apply for the next round of grants, through which support will be provided for the development of educational activities, as well as for the supply of necessary teaching materials.

The representative of ANTEM, Lucia Cucu, stated that thanks to the respective course it was possible to study the teaching-learning-evaluation component, making a retrospective of the subjects taught. Center management and how to write and develop projects were new topics in the current edition of the Training Program. Also, Lucia Cucu informed the participants that ANTEM will offer them, as far as possible, textbooks and didactic materials according to the Curriculum for teaching and learning the Romanian language for children from the diaspora.

In turn, the participants expressed themselves on the usefulness of the training course, noting the importance of its organization, which comes as an essential support in the activity they carry out.

The professional training program was organized by the Diaspora Relations Bureau (BRD) within the State Chancellery in partnership with the National Association of European Trainers from Moldova (ANTEM), financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). The purpose of the Program was to develop and strengthen the professional skills of teaching staff, including from the Educational Centers of the Diaspora, who are involved in the process of teaching and promoting the Romanian language in the diaspora.

Diaspora from Greece visited the presentation of the book „Under the wings of an angel”
Diaspora from Greece visited the presentation of the book „Under the wings of an angel”

On the 20th of November, in Athens, the presentation of the book „Under the wings of an angel” by Mihai Brădescu, originally from the Republic of Moldova, took place.

Officials, members of the diaspora, public eager to say goodbye, friends and admirers of the writer's creation, followed the invitation to participate in the event that was organized by the Moldovan-Hellenic Friendship Union „Al. Ipsilantis”, president Svetlana Lisagor Vergis. The action was carried out within the „Library of our community” project.

The book, just out of print, is dedicated to the author's grandparents and parents, as well as to all the victims of the Stalinist deportations from Bessarabia, in which the events in the lives of several generations of Romanians from Bessarabia are described, starting from the 1900s until now. Previously, the volume „Under angel wings” was presented in Bucharest, Chisinau and the author's home village - Șînțareni, Telenești district.

„A nation that does not know its history is like a child that does not know its parents.” This quote by Nicolae Iorga, which touches the chords of symbolism and the specificity of the book's theme, is a hymn through which the author of the book encourages and motivates people to continue with courage, conviction and love to weave the carpet of history, using as raw material old images, documents and testimonies about the turbulent events of the period of Stalinist deportations and experiences of people who wrote, directly or indirectly, about their struggle for survival, identity and values.

As a result of the presentation of the book, the event included the screening of two documentary films „Under the wings of an angel” and „Destiny as films”. The festive part was supported by our talented compatriots - Alina Mereuță performed the song „Ode to Moldova”, Bogdan Cucinschii delighted the audience with the song „Raise your forehead Bessarabie”, and Galina Brodescu recited the poem „Ballad of the deported”.