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The impact of the implementation of the DEH Project „Theatre of Childhood”was discussed by the BRD team with the actress Victoria Roșca
The impact of the implementation of the DEH Project „Theatre of Childhood”was discussed by the BRD team with the actress Victoria Roșca

The stage manager, actress and director of the „Teatrul Popular”, Victoria Roșca returned from Austria with the most beautiful and pleasant impressions, which she definitely wanted to share with the team of the Diaspora Relations Bureau (BRD), after presenting to the children from diaspora the show in Romanian language "The bear tricked by the fox". We specify that the play was performed by the actors from the People's Theater, at the beginning of June, in the cities of Klagenfurt and Vienna.  

„It was an unforgettable experience and wonderful moments spent with our compatriots. We saw a world eager for all that theater art means, we were delighted by the warm reception, the emotions conveyed and the reaction of the audience, and the innocent smiles of the children gave us wings, motivating us to do beautiful things in the future”, he said Victoria Roșca. At the same time, the actress came with a message of thanks to BRD from the „Teatrul Popular”, for the trust and financial support offered through the „Diaspora Engagement Hub” (DEH) thematic grant program, within the „Theatre of Childhood” project.  

For her part, the head of BRD, Nadejda Zubco, appreciated the exemplary way in which the event was organized, noting that supporting and holding cultural events in the diaspora is one of the key objectives of the Office, and such activities will have continuity, in order to maintain the connection between the Republic of Moldova and our citizens settled abroad and to promote cultural-linguistic values. In this vein, Nadejda Zubco expressed thanks to the troupe of actors for the way they presented the show, adapted to a modern version, and also to Ms. Lilia Ipati for the initiative to hold the event in Austria.  

Towards the end of the discussions, Victoria Roșca offered the BRD team as a gift, the most recent book she published, entitled "The Girl from the Forest" - a work about the author's life and childhood.

Ways of involving the diaspora, discussed at the Diaspora Relations Bureau, with our compatriot from Italy, Lucia Staver
Ways of involving the diaspora, discussed at the Diaspora Relations Bureau, with our compatriot from Italy, Lucia Staver

The door of the Diaspora Relations Bureau (BRD) is always open for members of the diaspora who want to share certain ideas or initiatives. I had a friendly discussion this time with our compatriot Lucia Staver, who is settled and living in Padua, Italy.

Mrs. Staver is a generator of beautiful ideas and initiatives, but also a person who catalyzes various charity actions. During the discussions, our guest told us about his involvement in the charity campaigns that he successfully carried out, among which are "Help a disabled child", "Christmas lunch", "The traveling guide" etc.

As the vice-president of the Association of natives "Baștina Scoreni", she told us that she is actively involved in mobilizing the natives in terms of the development and modernization of the locality where she originates - the village of Scoreni, Străseni district. She is also the one who contributes to the promotion of her hometown and rural tourism through the "proMotor with love for HOME" project. Currently, Lucia Staver is involved in the process of twinning the town of Scoreni in the Republic of Moldova with the towns of Cadoneghe and Padova in Italy.

The head of BRD, Nadejda Zubco, noted the beautiful collaborative relationship between the "Baștina Scoreni" Association, the diaspora and the local public authority, stating that the beautiful results are visible, which is to be appreciated. At the same time, Nadejda Zubco spoke to the guest about the BRD programs, suggesting her to enroll her daughter in future editions of the DOR, but also to analyze the opportunities of the Diaspora Engagement Hub program, in the context in which our guest intends to edit a book with " histories of longing". At the end, Nadejda Zubco invited Mrs. Staver to participate at the Congress of the Diaspora that wil be organized in August.

The Diaspora Relations Bureau contributes to the implementation of successful diaspora ideas within the Diaspora Engagement Hub Program
The Diaspora Relations Bureau contributes to the implementation of successful diaspora ideas within the Diaspora Engagement Hub Program

A new project has been launched under the Diaspora Engagement Hub (DEH) Thematic Grants Programme. It is about the "MentorMe JobAccelerator 3.0 professional guidance program", which involves the continuation of the first online course specialized in career counseling and guidance for young people with a view to insertion into the labor field in the Republic of Moldova. The initiative of the project belongs to the representative of the diaspora, Dana Muntean, the founder of the global mentoring platform "MentorMe".

The course inauguration event took place on June 14, in online format and brought together representatives of the "MentorMe" platform, the Diaspora Relations Bureau (BRD), trainers, mentors, interested persons.

In the greeting message, the deputy head of BRD, Violina Donu, mentioned that the project was selected for financing because it met the eligibility conditions, standing out from the other projects through the proposed activities that contribute to the exploitation of human, social and economic potential of the diaspora, but also to facilitate the transfer to the Republic of Moldova of the knowledge, experiences, good practices of an innovative character of our citizens settled abroad. "The experience and the rich portfolio of the "MentorMe" platform for the implementation of similar projects conquered us, and the respective project proved its sustainability, its idea corresponding to a replicable international practice", added Violina Donu.

"MentorMe" representatives, in turn, mentioned the importance of implementing the project, noting that they managed to accumulate the best resources and practices both in Moldova and abroad. At the same time, they talked about the planned activities to be carried out this year, within the project. Thus, at the online course, 120 young people aged between 18-29 years, from disadvantaged backgrounds, will be selected, who will participate in various workshops and will be trained by a team of specialists, mentors originating from Moldova with international experience , and at the end, the beneficiaries will obtain a complex tool that will facilitate the path from employment intention to promotion in a new position.

We specify that the "JobAccelerator 3.0" project is carried out with the support of the DEH Program, the "Innovative Diaspora Projects" subprogram, financed from the state budget, through the Diaspora Relations Bureau.

The launch event can be watched here:

Launch of the DEH Project „MentorMe JobAccelerator 3.0 professional guidance program”
Launch of the DEH Project „MentorMe JobAccelerator 3.0 professional guidance program”

The „Job Accelerator” project is back into force, this time in a new format! The 3rd edition of the event will be launched today, June 14, starting at 19:00, in online format.

Guests at the inauguration of the event will be:

  • Violina Donu – deputy head of the Diaspora Relations Bureau
  • Dana Muntean - founder of the „MentorMe” platform
  • Lidia Morgoci - MentorMe CEO, Manager of the „Job Accelerator” Project 
  • Doru Curoșu - HR & Trainer, Founder of CAMELOT Partners – HR, Forbes 30 Under 30
  • Arcadie Cotruță - CEO Big Fish Academy (education services provider)

Organizers encourage the interested public to join and share this opportunity with friends and other young people who are enthusiastic and interested in developing entrepreneurial skills and success in the workplace. To participate in the event, you can access the following link:, on the date and time mentioned above.

he project entitled ”MentorMe JobAccelerator 3.0 professional guidance program” is a unique initiative whose finality involves the continuation of the first online course specialized in career counseling and guidance for young people with a view to insertion into the labor field in the Republic of Moldova and is carried out with the support of the Program Diaspora Engagement Hub (DEH), financed from the state budget, through the Diaspora Relations Bureau within the State Chancellery.

Anunț pentru cetățenii din diasporă care activează în instituții medicale, științifice sau de învățământ medical de peste hotare
Anunț pentru cetățenii din diasporă care activează în instituții medicale, științifice sau de învățământ medical de peste hotare

Cetățenii din diasporă care activează în instituții medicale, științifice sau de învățământ medical de peste hotare pot fi membri ai Consiliilor de Administrație ale instituțiilor medico-sanitare publice spitalicești (IMSP) din țara noastră. Astfel, va fi posibilă valorificarea potențialului persoanelor din diaspora, prin transferul de experiențe, inovații și crearea de punți, toate pentru dezvoltarea sistemului medical.

Pentru prima dată reprezentanții diasporei au fost incluși în componența consiliilor, la aprobarea, prin ordinul ministrului, a noului Regulament-cadru de organizare și funcționare a IMSP.

Anunțul privind depunerea dosarelor va fi făcut public de Ministerul Sănătății pe pagina web oficială. Respectiv, pentru a fi selectate, persoanele din diaspora vor trebui să expedieze, în adresa ministerului, dosarul, care va conține cererea de participare, CV-ul, scrisoarea de motivație și alte acte indicate în anunț.
În urma examinării dosarelor, de către comisia instituită de minister, va fi ales și numit membru al consiliului reprezentantul din diaspora cu cele mai relevante competențe profesionale pentru instituția medicală indicată.

Astfel, persoanele din diaspora vor putea, de rând cu ceilalți membri ai consiliului, să examineze și aprobe planul strategic de dezvoltare al instituției, să verifice transparența procedurilor de achiziție publică a bunurilor, lucrărilor și serviciilor, dar și să înainteze fondatorului propuneri de dezvoltare a acesteia, sugestii de redresare a situației atunci când se constată deficiențe în activitatea instituției.

Ședințele Consiliului de Administrație pot fi desfășurate cu prezență fizică, online sau în format hibrid.


„MAD-Aid” Association, founded by the member of diaspora Victoria Dunford, celebrated 10 years of activity
„MAD-Aid” Association, founded by the member of diaspora Victoria Dunford, celebrated 10 years of activity

The President of the „MAD-Aid” Association, Victoria Dunford, invited on June 8, several generous people to participate in the charity event with the generic „Hora Binelui”, dedicated to the 10 years since the establishment of the Association she leads. The purpose of the event was to collect funds for the major renovation of the neonatal surgery department of the Mother and Child Institute from Chisinau.  

An emotional message was sent by Victoria to all those who have contributed to the „MAD-Aid” Association's activities so far. „Behind the 10 years is a lot of work and determination, dedication, joys and sometimes tears. I don't know if we did a lot or a little, but everything we did was from the heart, we tried to have a maximum impact in everything we set out to do. We invite you to continue to support us and together prove that we are capable of making a change, TODAY, HERE and NOW”, said Ms. Dunford during the event.  

Representatives of the State Chancellery / Diaspora Relations Bureau honored the invitation to participate in this event in the context of the fruitful and long-term collaboration with the „MAD-Aid” Association, as well as with the „Phoenix” Center for disabled children from Râșcani, also founded by our compatriot. The Secretary of State of the State Chancellery, Adrian Băluțel, handed to Victoria Dunford the Honorary Diploma of the Government of the Republic of Moldova, accompanied by the best congratulatory wishes, as a sign of appreciation and deep gratitude for the civic initiative and philanthropic activities, but also for substantial contribution and active participation in social-humanitarian actions of public utility.  

Victoria Dunford is a reference name of diaspora from the UK, being known for the charity acts and social projects she has carried out over the years together with the "MAD-Aid" Association team. Our compatriot has received numerous awards in recognition of her work, the most important being the „British Empire Medal” of the Queen of Great Britain, Elizabeth II; The National Award offered by the Government of the Republic of Moldova, etc.

Charity event was organized in France
Charity event was organized in France

Our compatriots in the diaspora have demonstrated countless times that generosity has no limits, often being participants in many charitable actions. One of the most recent charity events took place in the Le Cannet region, Cote d'Azur, being organized on May 27, by the Moldovan Association "MoldaVita", president Titi Zemba, in partnership with the Lions Club from France.

The event with the generic name "Small country with a big heart" aimed to support the Association of children with rare diseases from the Republic of Moldova, "Children of the Rain". More than 200 people responded to the invitation to participate, among them are representatives of the local public administration in the respective region, the Consulate of the Republic of Moldova in Nice, the Red Cross, as well as members of the diaspora from Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux and Turin.

During the event, the public had the opportunity to admire an impressive artistic program, supported by performers from the Republic of Moldova, as well as members of the diaspora who promoted the culture, traditions, national port and gastronomy of our country.

The organizers also came to the end with a message of thanks to all those who were willing to join this noble cause. "Everyone's contribution is very important for our children in Moldova, even more so when it comes to children with rare diseases, for which the treatment has not yet been discovered. Thank you all!” Titi Zemba noted.

The Medal of the Governor of Quebec, awarded to our countryman, Nicolae Mărgineanu
The Medal of the Governor of Quebec, awarded to our countryman, Nicolae Mărgineanu

Nicolae Mărgineanu, Master of Arts, vice-president of the Romanian Cultural Association and the Moldovan Community of Quebec, composer, drummer, artistic director and conductor of several folk orchestras in Montreal, was decorated by the Governor of Quebec with the „Silver Medal”.

The distinction was conferred on him for special merits in his work, the long-term promotion of national and international cultural traditions and values, as well as on the occasion of his honorable 70th birthday. The festive event of handing out the Medal took place on June 4, current.

Although he settled in Canada many years ago, Nicolae Mărgineanu did not forget music and the values that formed him as a personality. From the very beginning, he created the "Montreal Virtuosi" orchestra (1998), gathering experienced instrumentalists around him, with whom he participated in concerts organized by musical associations, as well as community events.

Our countryman was the one who was behind the creation in 2008 of the Community of Moldovans in Quebec (CMQ). The community's activity registered successes in 2009, when CMQ and the Romanian Cultural Association joined their efforts, based on the same objectives of strengthening the citizens of the Republic of Moldova and Romania settled in Canada. Since then, the two partner associations, including the contribution of the Mărgineanu family, have organized various cultural events for years in a row - the Romanian Language Day, the International Festival of the Romanian Language, the Gala of Personalities, Iea Day and also supported the performances of some visiting artists from both countries. In the given way, Mr. Mărgineanu became a well-known personality not only in Moldova, but also in Canada, his every appearance being appreciated by the admiring public, whose hearing he enjoyed for years with his music.

The Diaspora Relations Bureau sends to Mr. Nicolae Mărgineanu good wishes and beautiful years, with a lot of health. We are grateful to our people from the diaspora who proudly promote the image of the Republic of Moldova all over the world. Congratulations, Master!

Durable connections between valuable people at home and abroad
Durable connections between valuable people at home and abroad

Ecaterina Deleu, PhD in political science, researcher in the field of migration, visited the Diaspora Relations Bureau, together with her faculty colleague Veronica Tcaci, specialist in philology, author of the online project „Talk wtih Nika into Romanian Language”.

The guests referred to projects and initiatives related to the consolidation of the diaspora, but also to the establishment and maintenance of the connection with the country of origin, or the activity carried out by Veronica Tcaci fits perfectly into this category. Being currently settled in Italy, after dedicating 20 years to pedagogy, being passionate about interacting with students, the author of the „Talk wtih Nika into Romanian Language” project set out to capitalize on her knowledge and experience to help the children of her compatriots abroad to learn the Romanian language. The idea emerged during the pandemic, and since then the number of children, as well as the countries where they are settled, has grown considerably.

An observation made not only by Veronica Tcaci, but also by the researcher Ecaterina Deleu, relates to the opening of the diaspora to study the language, history and culture of the Republic of Moldova, which denotes the interest, but also the connection between our compatriots, from other countries and their native place.

Nadejda Zubco, head of the Diaspora Relations Bureau expressed her appreciation for the noble intention, as well as for the results obtained by Veronica Tcaci, in the Romanian language classes, mentioning the relevance of the fact, including from the perspective of the implementation of the Program DOR Diaspora*Origins*Returnings, where children and young people from the diaspora participate.

At the same time, the head of BRD offered Veronica Tcaci a set of didactic materials, which will serve as support in the activities, at the same time inviting her to submit the file within the 2024 edition of the "Diaspora Engagement Hub" thematic grant program. At the same time, Nadejda Zubco thanked the researcher Ecaterina Deleu, for the connection with valuable people of the Republic of Moldova that are settled abroad.

The project named „Teatrul copilăriei”, implemented in Austria with the support of the Program Diaspora Engagement Hub (DEH)
The project named „Teatrul copilăriei”, implemented in Austria with the support of the Program Diaspora Engagement Hub (DEH)

The project named „Teatrul copilăriei” which obtained grant funding under the Diaspora Engagement Hub (DEH) Thematic Grants Program implemented by the Diaspora Relations Bureau, was successfully completed at the end of last week.

Thanks to the Program for supporting cultural and educational actions within DEH, on June 3rd, in the city of Klagenfurt, Austria, the children's show „Ursul păcălit d evulpe” was held - a modern adaptation of the famous Romanian story, written by Ion Creangă. The play was performed by the actors of the „Teatrul Popular” from Chisinau, in a story setting that included elements of candor and humor. The audience had the wonderful opportunity to teleport into the world of stories, watching a theater performance in Romanian, which represents a first for the diaspora from Klagenfurt .

The initiative to hold the show belonged to Mrs. Lilia Ipati, pedagogue, representative of the Orthodox community in the Land of Carinthia, Austria, who, in turn, brought a message of thanks to the Diaspora Relations Bureau for supporting the respective event. „The Diaspora Relations Bureau, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your trust! This show made us forget about worldly worries and travel to the beautiful world of Creangă's stories, and for the children, an imprint of purple colors will remain in their childhood", said Lilia Ipati.

The project named „Childhood Theater”  was organized in the context of the International Children's Day and had the objective of maintaining the connection with the Republic of Moldova, developing cross-border cultural cooperation, promoting our cultural and linguistic identity among our Austrian citizens, but to  plant to children from the diaspora the love of the Romanian language. The amount of 100 thousand lei was allocated for the implementation of this project.