Childhood was celebrated by the diaspora from Berlin

On June 3, the Moldovan-German Friendship Association, led by Mrs. Angela Mutruc, organized in partnership with the Embassy of the Republic of Moldova in Berlin, as well as with the support of Lion Club Berlin, the traditional Festival dedicated to the International Children's Day, which reached the tenth edition.

The audience present at the Festival had special moments, contemplating a wonderful summer day, dedicated exclusively to childhood. The festive atmosphere was supported by a group of children from Costești village, Râșcani district, who were special guests of the event, to offer the public unforgettable artistic moments. Along with the children from the Republic of Moldova, talents from Berlin and Potsdam, Germany also participated, celebrating together an old German tradition - the arrival of summer "Sommerfest". Also, the traditional dishes, prepared with great dedication by the members of the association, were not missing from the celebration, being enjoyed with pleasure and appreciated by the guests of the event.

Following the Festival, the organizers stated that this year they also achieved their goal of strengthening the Moldovan community in Berlin through this cultural event. "All people that were present had an extraordinarily beautiful day, which made them feel at home," said the representatives of the Moldovan-German Friendship Association.