The Medal of the Governor of Quebec, awarded to our countryman, Nicolae Mărgineanu

Nicolae Mărgineanu, Master of Arts, vice-president of the Romanian Cultural Association and the Moldovan Community of Quebec, composer, drummer, artistic director and conductor of several folk orchestras in Montreal, was decorated by the Governor of Quebec with the „Silver Medal”.

The distinction was conferred on him for special merits in his work, the long-term promotion of national and international cultural traditions and values, as well as on the occasion of his honorable 70th birthday. The festive event of handing out the Medal took place on June 4, current.

Although he settled in Canada many years ago, Nicolae Mărgineanu did not forget music and the values that formed him as a personality. From the very beginning, he created the "Montreal Virtuosi" orchestra (1998), gathering experienced instrumentalists around him, with whom he participated in concerts organized by musical associations, as well as community events.

Our countryman was the one who was behind the creation in 2008 of the Community of Moldovans in Quebec (CMQ). The community's activity registered successes in 2009, when CMQ and the Romanian Cultural Association joined their efforts, based on the same objectives of strengthening the citizens of the Republic of Moldova and Romania settled in Canada. Since then, the two partner associations, including the contribution of the Mărgineanu family, have organized various cultural events for years in a row - the Romanian Language Day, the International Festival of the Romanian Language, the Gala of Personalities, Iea Day and also supported the performances of some visiting artists from both countries. In the given way, Mr. Mărgineanu became a well-known personality not only in Moldova, but also in Canada, his every appearance being appreciated by the admiring public, whose hearing he enjoyed for years with his music.

The Diaspora Relations Bureau sends to Mr. Nicolae Mărgineanu good wishes and beautiful years, with a lot of health. We are grateful to our people from the diaspora who proudly promote the image of the Republic of Moldova all over the world. Congratulations, Master!