The last lesson of Romanian language from this year, held at the Educational Center within the Orthodox church „Sfântul Gheorghe” from Schio

The children who attend the Educational Center within the Orthodox church „Sfântul Gheorghe”  ifrom Schio, Vicenza region, Italy, participated at a beautiful event on the occasion of the International Children's Day, as well as the end of the Romanian language course from this academic year.

The students presented their parents with a poetry recital, sang and read stories in Romanian, demonstrating their knowledge improved in the period of learning.

At the end of the academic year, Liuba Streșină, teacher and founder of the Educational Center from Schio, sent a message of thanks to all those who believed in his soul project through which he managed to sow in the hearts of his disciples that little grain of love towards the Romanian language and our traditions.

„The Romanian language is also learned at great distances from home, in this way we keep the spiritual connection with our native country and build bridges between generations, passing on to our children what we hold dearest. It was a new experience for all of us, only through work and effort did we manage to get here. I would like to thank my parents and students who believed in this project and, last but not least, a big thank you to the Diaspora Relations Office and ANTEM for the teaching support provided with the free title", said Liuba Streșină.

We mention that the Diaspora RelationsBureau (BRD) and the National Association of European Trainers from Moldova (ANTEM) offered the manual ”Învățăm limba română împreună. Primii Pași. Manual pentru copiii din diasporă. Nivelului A1".