The activities in the DEH project "Guguță in Diaspora" ended

After the four theater workshops at the Romanian language Sunday school in Geneva, the children of our compatriots presented with great enthusiasm four skits from "The Adventures of Guguță": "Căntarul", "Guguță's Bank", "Guguța at School" and " The sweepers".

Through these activities, the DIALOG Association from Switzerland completed the "Guguță in Diaspora" project, paying tribute to the great children's writer - Spiridon Vangheli, promoting his works among children in the diaspora.

The activities were carried out within the sub-program for supporting cultural and educational actions in the diaspora, which is part of the thematic grants program Diaspora Engagement Hub (#DEH), implemented by the Diaspora Relations Bureau within the State Chancellery.

We express our gratitude to all the people involved in the organization and implementation of the above-mentioned project and we await them with new initiatives in which to strengthen ties with the Republic of Moldova and capitalize on the intellectual potential.