First retreat of local public authorities, beneficiaries of the Program „DAR 1+3”

During period of October, 26-28, the Diaspora Relations Bureau in partnership with UNDP Moldova/MiDL, organized a retreat of local public authorities (LPA), beneficiaries of the Program „DAR 1+3”.

As trainers were the representatives of the Diaspora Relations Bureau (BRD), the Congress of Local Authorities of Moldova (CALM), the Agency for Intervention and Payments for Agriculture (AIPA), the Association Natives Budești, the Organization for the Development of Entrepreneurship (ODA), the International Center for the Development Migration Policies (ICMPD) / European Commission, the Association for Participatory Democracy „ADEPT”, the Museum of History and Ethnography from Călărași and the Invest Moldova Agency.

About 60 representatives of the local public authorities were trained on opportunities to engage the diaspora for development: technical assistance, project development and financing lines. They were also guided on project communication, which is carried out on online platforms and social networks. At the same time, they were familiarized with the support tools regarding the development of agriculture and the rural environment, accessible to migrants, but also about the support for entrepreneurs and migrants from the rural environment, including through the Program PARE 1+2. The example of involvement in various projects of the Budești Association of Natives was presented, as well as ways of collaborating with the Alliance of Native Associations. During the training session, it was also discussed about participatory tools as a key part of local governance, but also about the involvement of local public authorities in the development of the investment sector and tourism, as well as about tourism promotion at the level of local public authorities with the involvement of the diaspora.

The representatives of the Diaspora Relations Bureau presented the BRD programs and policies, including the integration into local development strategies and plans of activities involving the diaspora in the economic development of localities.

As a result of the event, the APL representatives noted the added value element of the training from which they took lessons and useful tips to be implemented at the local level for the efficiency of working with the diaspora, but especially with returned migrants. It was also mentioned that the event is an opportunity to strengthen capacities, as well as the exchange of good practices between town halls.