the president of the Cultural Society „Dacia” from Karaganda, Kazakhstan, visited the Diaspora relations office, visited the Diaspora Relation Bureau

The President of the Cultural Society „Dacia” from Karaganda, Kazakhstan, Mr. Nicolae Plushkis, every time he returns to Moldova, he does not hesitate to visit the Diaspora Relations Bureau (BRD), always having new ideas and a desire to be involved in various projects.

This time, Mr. Plushkis told us about the „March 2023” Festival, which took place on March 18 this year, expressing his gratitude to the BRD team for supporting the initiative to offer as a gift objects of national symbolism to the members of the diaspora from Kazakhstan, present at this Festival. „Even if we are established thousands of kilometers away from our native country, through such events we feel at home, and everything we do is from the heart”, noted our guest.

For her part, the head of BRD, Nadejda Zubco, noted the direct involvement of Nicolae Plushkis in organizing last year's edition of Diaspora Days. In this context, the head of BRD awarded the president of the „Dacia” Cultural Society, a diploma of gratitude for participating in the events dedicated to Diaspora Days, 2022 edition, for considerable efforts and substantial involvement in organizing the cultural program with the participation of artists from the diaspora.

Also, Nadejda Zubco spoke to Mr. Plushkis about the Diaspora Congress to be held on August 18-20, but also about the DOR Government Program Diaspora*Origins*Returns, 11th edition, suggesting him to encourage children and young people Kazakhstan nationals to register by April 21 to participate in the Program.