The president of the association „Friends of Bessarabia” from Bulgaria in visit at the BRD

In visit at the BRD was the president of the association „Friends of Bessarabia”, Valeri Delibaltov from Sofia, Bulgaria, with origins from the Republic of Moldova.

During the discussion, we were informed about the cooperation intentions of the association with BRD, in order to involve the diaspora in the development of educational and cultural projects that will benefit the Bulgarian citizens from our country. According to Mr. Delibaltov, the members of the association plan to get involved in organizing several activities to strengthen the diaspora.

During the dialogue, Violina Donu, deputy head of BRD, familiarized him with the Bureau's activity, suggesting him to apply to the grant programs that will be launched next year. The collaboration proposal was welcomed by our guest, noting that this is a good solution that will allow him to realize the planned initiatives.