The model of diaspora involvement in the development of the village of Sireți, presented at BRD

The mayor of Sireti village, Străseni district, Mr. Leonid Boaghi, recently, was in a visit to the Diaspora Relations Bureau (BRD). As one of the most active mayors, who stands out for the multitude of projects implemented at the local level, he presented us examples of the activity he carries out, involving the diaspora and the natives in the modernization of the locality.

It was noted that the most active members of the diaspora who are involved in development projects of the village of Sireti live in Great Britain, Australia, Italy and the USA. With common efforts, two projects were achieved within the Program „DAR 1+3”, the playgrounds of the kindergartens were arranged and equipped in Sireti, and also a recreation area was developed through setting up a sports field.

At the same time, Mr. Boaghi spoke us about the strategic partnerships of the Sireti town hall, which represent strong points for the development of the village, noting that at the current stage the town hall has signed more than ten twinning agreements with the town halls of countries such as Latvia, Ukraine, Romania, Italy, etc. 

It is worth appreciating the fact that the local youth are increasingly active and involved in the decision-making process of the local public authority, participating in various activities, including some town hall meetings. In this sense, the mayor informed us that in order to motivate the young generation and support them in realizing their ideas, he created the Youth Center, which operates within the city hall.

As a result of the discussions, the head of the BRD, Nadejda Zubco, expressed her admiration and appreciation for the effort with which the mayor's office, the diaspora and the natives are involved in the development of the village, emphasizing the importance of the collaboration between the BRD and the Sireți town hall, which constitutes an eloquent example, that would it could also be taken over by other local public authorities in our country.