Egg dyeing workshop held in the UK

The peoples from the „Nicolae Iorga” Romanian School in Birmingham, under the guidance of teacher Laura Elena, in addition to the basic lessons, experienced a new activity, namely they fried eggs for the upcoming Easter Holidays.

In a distinguished atmosphere, the participants of the egg-dyeing workshop learned interesting stories about Easter traditions and customs, preserved from generation to generation - reddening of eggs, preparation of cake, pastura and lamb. After painting eggs, the children continued with painting activities focused on the same Easter theme.

That activity was a good opportunity for diaspora children to discover and promote Easter traditions. The teachers of the „Nicolae Iorga” School in Birmingham were involved in the event, together with our compatriot Mariana Plămădeala, the founder of the "R.U.D.A" (United Romanians from England) Association, as well as other people willing to contribute to the perpetuation of ancestral values.