Diaspora is encouraged to get involved in the development of the localities of origin

The State Chancellery, through the Diaspora Relations Bureau, has launched a new round of grants within the governmental program the Diaspora at Home Succeeds "DAR 1+3". Thus, level I local public authorities are invited to submit applications for participation in the program, together with associations/diaspora members, native associations, initiative groups of citizens settled abroad or returned, development partners/donors, in order to benefit of non-refundable financial support within the program "DAR 1+3".

Projects eligible for financing cover the following areas: infrastructure (water and sewerage, roads, schools, kindergartens, cultural centers); environmental protection (prevention of environmental pollution, waste management); economy (regional development, investments, agricultural development); energy efficiency (solar panels, street lighting, thermal insulation); culture (heritage protection, rest areas, rural tourism development, exhibitions and festivals); education (programs for children, sports, innovation, transfer of knowledge and know-how); social protection (medical centers, social centers, social canteens, others).

This year, according to the State Budget Law, 10 million lei are provided for the non-reimbursable financing intended for the implementation of projects within the program "DAR 1+3". The total value of a project cannot be less than 300 thousand lei, based on the following formula: Government contribution - up to 50%, but no more than 250,000 lei for each project, APL contribution - minimum 10% of the value project, the contribution of the diaspora - minimum 10%, and the contribution of development partners/donors has no limit imposed. Projects submitted by local public authorities in the field of energy efficiency solutions will be able to benefit from financial support from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ).

The participation files will be sent from February 22 until March 22, 2023, 23:59. The forms and annexes will be sent both online to the email addresses: chancelleria@gov.md, brd@gov.md, and physically with acknowledgment of receipt to the address of the State Chancellery/Diaspora Relations Bureau (MD-2012, Republic of Moldova, Government House, Chisinau, Piața Marii Adunări Nationale str., 1).

The program "DAR 1+3" aims to mobilize the human and financial potential of the diaspora for the socio-economic development of localities in the Republic of Moldova. Up to the current stage, 104 local public authorities have benefited from the opportunities of the respective program, of which 41 only in 2022. We note that the local public authority that benefited from financial support under the program "DAR 1+3" for two consecutive editions is not eligible to benefit from financing in 2023.

To complete the participation form, but also to document yourself about the conditions for accessing the grants, we recommend that you access the following Guide: https://brd.gov.md/sites/default/files/ghid_dar_2023_1.pdf

Additional information can be requested at the e-mail address: brd@gov.md or at the telephone number: 022-250-524.