BRD – 10 years of activity

People and destinies, dedication and enthusiasm, aspirations and consolidated efforts to achieve aims - during 10 years, all these components constitute the Diaspora Relations Bureau. Competent teams have worked over the time in the institution, who were generating ingenious and attractive projects, that continue to be implemented successfully today.

All the things are done with love and respect for the citizens of our country, who, being marked by certain circumstances, have chosen to build a future abroad. Even the numbers are impressive, the value of this human potential in the diaspora is inestimable. Professionals, intellectuals, homesick and patriotic, countrymen from all over the world are those for whom the Diaspora Relations Bureau exists.

All these things are done with love and respect for the citizens of our country, who, being marked by certain circumstances, have chosen to build a future abroad. Althoughthe numbers are impressive, the value of this human potential in the diaspora is inestimable. Professionals, intellectuals, patriotic, people from the whole world are those for whom the Diaspora Relations Bureau exists.

October, 19 is a significant day for the Diaspora Relations Bureau. It is the day when the Office was founded, and today marks 10 years of activity (Government Decision no. 780 of 19.10.2012).

As it is natural for an anniversary, our feelings of gratitude go to those who contribute to the foundation of BRD, former and current collaborators, active members of the diaspora, development partners, volunteers, all the people who got involved and contributed to the formation, the development and activity of the Bureau.

Starting from mission of BRD, which consists in ensuring the coordination of state policy in the field of relations with the diaspora, we remark that during 10 years of activity, several goals have been achieved. Programs and projects were implemented that contributed to the preservation and affirmation of the ethnic, cultural and linguistic identity of Moldovans abroad, to the exploitation of the human and material potential of the diaspora.

For a decade we have been trying to maintain contact with the citizens of the Republic of Moldova, from abroad, to make them heard, to lend them a helping hand, to support them and to shorten the distances. We managed to involve in national discussions from the diaspora and representatives of the central authorities, so that we have a sustainable and effective cooperation.

Dear compatriots, we wish you health, well-being and please don't forget that no matter where you are, BRD is yours, everyone's and it is waiting for a gesture of response to the hand that it extends to you with friendship.

We are remaining open for collaboration and we are aware that there is always a place for better and space for more.
